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Southeastern Oklahoma State University - Durant OK Real Haunt

  • 1405 N. 4th Ave.
  • Durant, OK
  • (580) 745-2000
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This public university is often referred to as Southeastern and is believed to have a number of haunted spots on campus. At the Morrison Building, a little boy's apparition has been spotted wandering around the basement and it has been said that there used to be a pool here, and that the boy drowned. It's also rumored that a janitor died here under mysterious circumstances. At the Shear Hall Dormitory, a ghost is said to reside on the third floor, which is kept locked. Stories state that a student shot several people here before committing suicide. Residents have reported hearing things sliding across the floor and unexplained footsteps.
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  • There is Definitely Something

    I am a current student at Southeastern and stay on campus. I have lived in all of the dorms (except for North) and can firmly say each one has its eerie feeling. I stayed in Choctaw Hall on the 6th floor during my freshman year and while living there my bathroom lights would turn on in the middle of the night (I didn't share a room or suite). Sometimes my room felt weird and cold. I would hear knocks on my window (I was on the 6th floor). During my sophomore year, I stayed in Shearer Hall on both the 1st and 2nd floor and it was less scary. The scarier part of Shearer Hall was that the doorknob to my room would jiggle like someone was trying to come in (I would ask my roommates but they didn't know anything) as well as my desk drawers would be open when I got back from class (I keep my bedroom door locked to prevent theft). Morrison Hall is haunted. The basement is so creepy and has an eerie feeling. When walking underneath the stairs in the basement, you could feel how the floor went down like there were more steps. There are tunnels underneath the basement that connect to other older buildings but shut down because they became decrepit. The older parts of the Hallie-McKinney building feel eerie as well. I saw an apparition of a young woman in the library basement when I was looking up some reference materials. She had on early 2000s clothes and was looking out the basement window but I quickly looked down at a book and looked back up and she was gone.

    Posted 6/17/24

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  • Definitely some activity here

    Some odd years ago I was in upward bound here. I was staying in the towers. I had put my hand on the door fixing to go out, and the door knob jiggled, and someone knocked. I immediately opened the door and no one was there. And I heard no one running away. Later that night when I went to lay down I heard voices whispering. When I woke up the next morning, girls in a few rooms over woke up with scratch marks and said they stayed up all night because chairs were moving across the floor by themselves.

    Posted 8/29/23

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  • It is Haunted

    I am a freshman in high school who goes to Southeastern for their outstanding Upward Bound program. We meet every Tuesday at the Morrison Building for classes. Usually, we get there early to have time to goof off and explore. One of those times we found our way into the Montgomery Theatre in the building. It is a cool place yet it gives off an eerie feeling. The same goes for the basement and storm shelter. As a person who has felt a psychic connection to these types of places I am very unnerved, and hope to have time to investigate the premises.

    Posted 5/16/17

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Last edit to this listing: 4/26/2017 (2849 days ago)

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